Without engineering, I share two passions of hatred with LF Celine.
The second is for tinnitus.
I did not know it was achieved. That brings me more of that damned.
"When I will find God in him I would burst, I think the bottom of the ear, internally, I learned. I want to see how it amuses him? (Death on)
And this again
"... I a plant in the head ... you say yourself, you would! ... Towers, drumsticks , belts, real testbeds, some times my character ... I would not optimistic although it may seem, and Arlette and jealousy, my account with a certain Jules, and the cat still runaway thug, and my manuscripts up there, that shit, I left on the board, the head very concerned over my patients to the clinic, I let myself obsess perhaps? haunt? idle, I might have lost "(Fable for another time)
I said the other day: I am so made that the disgust I feel for the imperfection of my nature, that the contempt I have for my brain is unable to get rid of a filthy little parasite, makes me consider the collective decay in which we are all extended, with a revolt weakened, with a feeling akin renunciation.
I was wrong.
In fact, the opposite is true. The physician Louis-Ferdinand Destouches had understood.
" The door of hell in the ear is a little atom of anything. If it moves a quarter of the hair ... it moves only one micron, we look through, then it's over! Funny! we remain forever damned ! "he wrote.
Evil comes from the perfection of our nature, not his fault.
The cochlea is a wonderful minuteness infundibular. Only the extraordinary iridescent small vibrating hair cells in the auditory cortex allows us to hear sounds most unlikely. The rustle of the waves of the sea, the rustling of wind in the trees, secrets whispered in the wind, the rustling of the shrouds of the spectra, the sobs of "ecstasy water jets, flickering the Cepheids , the murmurs of the Void, quantum. But any setback in his medal: this mechanism is so precise in the substructure of hearing runs the risk of destruction, the most exposed to further deprive the approach perfection.
Nature had planned everything except the arrogance of the assassins of the futility thunderous sound. The modern world in its environment unnatural, cons-initiatory antitraditional.
Because the risk of acoustic trauma was minimal in the Old World. Nothing, with Mother Nature, not even the storm (as the risk of being deafened by the thunder is thin) will only threat inéxupérables decibels. Only the foolish inventions of the modern hell, when the kingdom more unacceptable noise, disturb the delicate harmony of the inner ear.
Noise is the ultimate manifestation of our defilement initial denial paradise.
Here I am damned for the rest of my miserable life! Lifer to suffer the blows of the sibilant forks, spinning in Bad its strépitante circumversion, quœrens quem devoret !
past 6 months that I whistle, and can not sleep that whistling poisons, I lost Sept. 30 pounds, the skin of my head bone dries, pulls my head , my cheeks hollow, pale face and lifts my empty my heart.
My mouth is a scroll in spellbook cuneiform is no longer reads that the chains of the angular alphabet. Subsidence sores, dropsy tear that washes out my eyes give me air Cheap an old griffin, a onyxectomisé tomcat.
Good fat has melted all, I touch vainly where I had once again an ass, it's almost none left: where's my ass? Gone! leaving me a ghost cracked, insignificance of the buttocks, walking to the hole, and above whistling incessantly.
Good fat has melted all, I touch vainly where I had once again an ass, it's almost none left: where's my ass? Gone! leaving me a ghost cracked, insignificance of the buttocks, walking to the hole, and above whistling incessantly.
Being of a size slightly below average, it is hardly sees me, I'm all indistinct, looks like a shadow that passes droll, boring in this darkness one has taken the place of ; life, one breath he felt to be still be wrong.
Felix the Cat
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