Monday, February 7, 2011

Nike Greco Mid Women's White

"Black on White": a controversy? -1 - Egyptian

§ - When you want to analyze National Socialism is good to bring in fascism in general, revolutionary movement of Right, historically dated, that emerged from the concrete conditions, exceptional (completed).
Leftists who are in the same bag historical fascism and dictatorship type Pinochet police are an amalgam coarse of great theoretical poverty.
must mobilize the masses unleashed a rebellion against the existing order for there to be fascism, features that will always defaults to all pension Greek colonels, Somoza, and more generally all the puppets of Chicago -boys, these pussies finance, sodomites, semi-hippies, addicts, and ultra-Zionists.
But what can he leave a good skull leftist?

§ - Anyway, inside this singularity that was Fascism, there is another, more distinctive again it was the German version, the Nadzisme , with its dominant features specifically Teutonic.
Nazism is completely unanalyzable, apart from determinations that belong to the German idiosyncrasy. These attributes sui generis Boche, transcend the political characteristics of generic fascism.

§ - theatrical productions, parades mechanical lobotomized robots, combined with an extraordinary genius in propaganda, a scientific genius and unparalleled industrious, not to mention the heroism of the German soldier commands respect. The Krauts have shown enough without these features it is useful to us to dwell.
inexpiable The different between them, alas, our two peoples, first cousins but brothers enemies.

§ - Hitler-Schicklgruber has always demonstrated a boundless hatred against France.
Blood will tell. The Treaty of Versailles does not explain everything.
Under the Nazi boot, the Huns held a policy of deliberately under-nutrition routine (hence the black market), and destruction of the birth, segregation sexual. They have kept more than two million French people in labor camps, with the sole aim them away from their wives and their lovers.
(Rabies mowing in some females, the Liberation is (also) that voluntary castration imposed by the winner).

§ - Whatever the political (imperialist) followed, regardless of the day the Führer (Adolf and Angela) which does not vary is their meticulousness and extremism.
Semitism led to crime and defense frantic race yesterday, today philo fanatic (and fine) and delusional hatred of his own race, no matter, the Germans are always gone as far as possible, by compulsive hysteria.
see the role of vanguard of those damn Nazis incorrigible war in former Yugoslavia and Serb destruction of Serbia, in which they have instilled their venom totalitarian.

§ - There is a chain-French collaboration Boche well known as the "Arte".
Arte Achtung!
In this intellectual paragon statement, the unconscionable thought is expressed with a ferocity Geared and a submission to the established disorder, rarely achieved.
I can hear someone say to me: " the other day I saw a documentary Arte interesting ... , without stifling the urge to spit in his face and, although it may add later, I no longer listening.

§ - gynecocracy Zionism and these two breasts of the same will to power, take this bra d'Ordre Arte television tétono measurements of 130 caps L-Teutonic. (If it exists)
As for the Anti-Racism activist there is so hysterical, so fundamental, it unveils the eyes of discerning the essence of this religious pornography. A Talmudic racism is not the opposite of Nazi racism but racism Nazi otherwise.
If our low-blue local intellectuals obey without hesitation to the demands catagogiques St. Mixed, Arte on one hates with a sneaky disease degenerate remnants of the Indo-European, are urged frantically rushing to the female head of any node nor blond, nor clear-eyed.

§ - That is consubstantial to German Nazism, this extraordinary superiority of gifted serving the most monumental stupidity. The intelligence specialist, limited to anything that is not his only discipline. Double-locked the universal greatness.
The German Philistine. What
German poet wrote that Germany was the homeland of the Philistines?
to follow ... Felix the Cat


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