Sauveterre region was probably the last area béarnaise Romanized: Today, the main place names is still predominantly Basque (Burgaronne, Barrie , Munein, Usquain ...). The town of Sauveterre control the confluence of the Gave Oloron and season, the river came close Soule and Roman through which infiltration took place from the fourteenth century (in 1385, the villages of the Bearn Valley Season are still fairly Basque).
The area of Sauveterre was probably the last Béarnaise area to be romanized : nowadays, major placenames still are clearly Basque (Burgaronne, Barraute, Munein, Usquain, ...). The town of Sauveterre controls the confluence of the Gave d'Oloron and the Saison, the latter being a river thanks to which Romance influence was possible in the 14th century (in 1385, the Béarnaise villages in the Saison valley still were more or less Basque-speaking).
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- Anthropological Analysis Summary / Brief Anthropological analysis:
- Type 1: intermediate complexion (blond hair to dark, clear eyes sometimes ...), leptomorphic, convex nose rather long and parallel to the face, close-set eyes, protruding ears, chin pointed, wide jaws
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean dinarisé
Intermediate complexion (from to dark blonde hair, light eyes frequent ...), leptomorphic, convex and long nose Rather Parallel To The face, close-set eyes, lop ears, pointy chin , wide jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean
This clearly presents a very strong affinity and Basque is very dominant in the sample. We encounter a male variant may be less archetypal: it announces the types to come by more distant eyes and nose quite impressed.
This type presents clear affinities and Basque est très Prevailing in this sample. A less archetypal male ranging Can Be found : It Is Announcing THE FOLLOWING types Because Of Rather remote eyes and a flat nose.
- Type 2: Build middle, more or less leptomorphic, broad nose, but sometimes right, wide jaws, eyes close
~ Alpino-Mediterranean dinaromorphique
Intermediate complexion, More or Less leptomorphic , straight nose That Can Get Broad, wide jaw, close-set eyes
~ Dinaromorphic Alpino-Med iterranean
This often resembles a version robust brachymorphic the first type: the shape of the nose is located in the West Beam. We then find individuals alpinoïdes least typed.
Basically speaking, this type Is A more robust and brahcymorphic variant of The First type: the nose shape from IS Quite typical Western Beam. Individuals are less archetypal Alpinoid found as well.
- Morphotypes Final / Final morphotypes
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