Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hand Held Electronic Game Skipbo

Marvel Universe

The universe is not only more bizarre
than we imagine,
it is more bizarre than anything we can imagine.

JBS Haldane

... New issue of the anthology Marvel Universe that combines two adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy the prologue Realm of Kings (the new crossover cosmic made in DnA) An adventure with the Imperial Guard S hi'ar as protagonist, another where it is the Inhumans who occupy this place, and an adventure of Nova .

[..] Putting a suspension point where Poe placed an end point, death is no longer a end but a transition (to Lovecraft). A door ajar rather than a beyond, bounded on the cord by traditional beliefs but also unexplored infinitely more formidable. In this elsewhere and in the power of the forces that inhabit it, lie the sources of fear. Far from stopping the deployment, the physical disappearance of a few cronies, however, makes it easier. It is by assimilating the substance of those missing that unknown forces may enter the land and prepare it for conquest [..]

F rancis L acassin
Lovecraft and holes in painted canvas
in Les Cahiers de l'Herne
If the quality of the series of cosmic U.S. publisher Marvel is well established the fact remains that the prologue to this new adventure (R EAL of Kings ) is simply breathtaking.

It foregrounds Q uasar transformed into pure energy quantum after being killed, went to investigate the Abyss "an immense crack in space time caused by the explosion of the bomb teratogen that ended the war between the Kree and Shi'ar " (see previous episode).

History is the shockwave of the eschatology.
There is something at the other end of the time
which casts a huge shadow over all human history.
T erence M CKEN

What's going to meet has already been several earlier studies and one of the most famous scholars who shared his research is nothing that H oward P hillips L ovecraft. It was also at the instigation of a young poet R obert B lake will stay at P providence, B lake whose diary mentions already Trapézohèdre (or Trapezohedron in the language Monsieur L ovecraft) .
Although regards B lake there is a "polyhedron almost black, streaked with red, with many irregular flat surfaces. It must be a truly remarkable crystal [..]" ( source), the coincidence is noteworthy in light of places to stay against his will Q uasar.

Now then, another element in favor of theories already developed by H . P L ovecraft for the smell of something that will meet Q uasar and that seems to characterize the ormer A "term [..] used rather indiscriminately, even confusing, for all beings predate humanity [..]" as Yog-Sothoth or Cthulhu (For more information read The many lives of CTHULHU P ATRICK M arcel ). Or the interjection used by imitation Miss Marvel of the Abyss: FTAGHN.

A simulated Ms. Marvel surrounded by a team much like the Avengers Earth 616 ....

... And then I say congratulations!
D year A bnet and A ndy L Anning (DnA ) makes what I call a master-stroke is so obvious that I wonder why it has not already been done (in fact it has been perhaps?), transforming Star Captain America in pentacle.

In any event I find this simply excellent prologue (it is not so bad [-_o] ).

The news of H oward P hillips L ovecraft has undergone several modifications in comic strip that of R we Oulart G & G ene C olan published in its French version in the Unexpected .


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