Monday, January 17, 2011

Recurve Bow Stabilizer Setup

Villeneuve sur Lot, Lot-et-Garonne (Agen)

Like many small countries focused on the Garonne, Agen is a two-headed entity shared between part and part guyenno Gascon-Languedoc. He is heir to the city of Nitiobriges (Celtic word meaning "those who have a country") centered on Aginnum oppidum, later extended to land Aquitaine south of the Garonne. The region of Villeneuve-sur-Lot is clearly part of the Agen guyennaise as its language as its geographical focus, crossed by rivers and Lémance Lede from Perigord and Quercy neighbors.

Like Many Entities Centred On The River Garonne, Agenais is a bicephalic country divided into one Gascon part and one Guyenno-Languedocian part. Agenais is heir to the city of the Nitiobriges (a Celtic name meaning "those who have a country") centred on the oppidum of Agen which lately extended over Aquitanian lands South of the Garonne river. The area of Villeneuve-sur-Lot clearly belongs to the Guyennais part of Agenais because of its language and its geography defined by the Lémance and Lède rivers originating from neighbouring Périgord and Quercy.

  • Echantillon représentatif / Sample :

Actual Size / Full Scale

  • Anthropological Analysis Summary / Brief Anthropological analysis:

- Type 1: Build intermediate (black eyes, brown hair, ...) , leptomorphic, broad face, long nose located above and convex, close-set eyes, broad jaw and curved, pointed chin
~ Mediterranean dinaromorphique

Intermediate complexion (dark eyes, chestnut hair, ...), leptomorphic, broad face, Long-rooted and high convex nose, close-set eyes, very wide and bombed jaw, pointy chin

~ Dinaromorphic Mediterranean

This is the basic phenotype of southwestern France. It is not as dominant here as it can be in areas bordering Gascon: our region is more consistent with this country Guyenne (Quercy, Rouergue, ...). There are also transitional individuals Alpine-Mediterranid sometimes characterized by a very large head, a trait that is quite common in secondary Guyenne, which contrasts sharply to the Gascony.

This is a common type SW French. It Is Not As Dominating as in nearby Gascon areas : this area is more akin to fellow Guyennais countries (Quercy, Rouergue, ...). One can find transitional Alpino-Mediterranoid individuals who can be rather large-faced, a secondary feature pretty abundant in Guienne as opposed to Gascony.

- Type 2 : Complexion intermédiaire, brachymorphique, traits bouffis, tête large et carrée, yeux distants, mâchoires larges, nez convexe
~ Dinaro-Alpinoïde

Itermediary complexion, brachymorphic, wide and square-box face, puffy features, distant eyes, broad jaw, convex nose
~ Dinaro-Alpinoid

guyenne is the type par excellence, as I could in other regional samples classify alternatively more brachymorphic the first type and intermediate types with Alpine, that is the same except that it is very dominant here where a class by itself. I will try to summaries of articles to my totally consistent typology.

Finally, we find common in these types alpinoïdes south-central areas, characterized par une robustesse assez forte, notamment au niveau du menton.

This is the archetypal Guyennais type that I may have classified as a more brachymorphic variant of Type 1 in other regional samples : it doesn't change its intermediate character announcing Alpinoid types except that it is quite prevailing in that area hence why I "promote" him. I'll give coherence to my typology in summary articles I have yet to write.

Eventually, one can encounter the usual Alpinoid types in those South-Central areas, characterized by a strong robusticity, more particularly in the chin area.

  • Morphotypes Final / Final morphotypes


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