Thursday, November 25, 2010

Waverunner Wont Turn Over

Carcassonne: Aude (Bas-Languedoc)

City of Carcaso was a small town between Toulouse and Narbonne in orbit Volques Tectosages arrived in the region in the sixth century BC. It seems certain that a population has inhabited the Iberian region before infiltration Celtic, the name of Carcassonne is irrefutable proof. The region between the Black Mountain et la haute vallée de l'Aude, est habitée au moins depuis les temps néolithiques.

The civitas of Carcaso was a little city inbetween Toulouse and Narbonne, still in the orbit of the Celtic Volcae Tectosages who had settled in the 6th century before JC. It is very probable that Iberian populations had previously inhabited the area as proved by the very name of Carcassonne. The area, inbetween the Montagne Noire and the high valley of the Aude river, has been inhabited since at least Neolithic times.

  • Echantillon représentatif / Sample :

Actual Size / Full Scale

  • Anthropological Analysis Summary / Brief Anthropological analysis:

- Type 1: Build intermediate leptomorphic, features puffy eyes close, long-established and high convex nose, large jaw, pointed chin
~ (Atlanto-) Mediterranean dinarisé

Intermediate complexion leptomorphic, puffy features, close-set eyes, long rooted-and high convex nose, large jaw, pointy Chin

~ Dinaricized (Atlanto-) Mediterranean

This is a classic phenotype of France's southwest, far from uncommon among the male populations, which reinforces even more the enigma Narbonne previously observed . You meet people perhaps more brachymorphic.

This is a classical French SW phenotypical Variety Being far from rare male Amongst Which Makes Our observations in Narbonne Even more enigmatic. More brachymorphic types Might Be Identified as well.

Also in variability rather leptomorphic / Mediterranean, there are people more typical of the variability in Languedoc, that they are characterized by traits more bloated, the absence of dinaromorphisme.

Still in a leptomorphic / Mediterranean variation, more specifically Languedocian-Individuals are looking to Be Found, Characterized by puffy features and A Lack of diaromorphism.

- Type 2: Intermediate Complexion (light hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, large head, eyes distant, wide jaw, small nose, wide
~ Alpinoïde

complexion (light hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, wide face, wide-set eyes, broad jaw, Little and Broad nose
~ Alpinoid

These physical types announce the variability encountered in Narbonne. We can not ignore the phenotypes most "extreme" also very typical of Languedoc. Beyond the morphological characteristics, we find this trait around Languedoc ethnic character "bloated".

announce Thesis types phenotypes found in Narbonne. One Can not Escape the description of The Most Extreme Quite typical phenotypes from Languedoc. Beyond morphological Characteristics, ethnic traits are found Languedocian Throughout The sample and puffy are about characters.

  • Morphotypes Final / Final morphotypes


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