Saturday, December 26, 2009

Polished Aircraft Propeller


True "Spoiler" for once, right?
course ... But no matter, since this film, shot in 1993 by the very famous Abel Ferrara (right after The King of New York and The Bad Lieutenant , I love both), according a novel by Jack Finney writer (1911-1995), had already been brought to the cinema in 1978 by Philip Kaufman (in a rather disappointing, hardly worthy of a TV series for all say, despite the presence of Donald Sutherland ), and even well before the director Don Siegel in 1956 (the excellent author of one of the first film of Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry ), during a very successful film in contrast B & W. Let us say that, more than fifty years later, do a "spoiler" can hardly be very serious, since 90% of people need to know more or less the theme of the film by heart, lol!

Better evidence, however, is that the Wikipedia article about it describes this movie almost shot by shot, using a text rather long, often as little ... When in fact, exactly the same way as the mythical Alien , its theme is so simple that his resume could finally stick to a dozen lines, basically saying: some form of extra-terrestrial arrives on earth in great secrecy, which can seep into the brains of humans only during sleep, if not then, none of them has no real personality, all thinking exactly the same way (huge common with the very famous of Dark City Alex Proyas ):

Unlike the two previous versions of Philip Kaufman and Don Siegel, the film takes place almost entirely in the military, which makes it all started as a family "blended" with the (very pretty) daughter from a previous marriage, the young son of the second marriage, her mother and father, committed there for her medical skills and biochemical


yet known actor in this movie (but who was perhaps not the time?), a doctor also very competent, but on the side of the army

But yes, of course, the now famous Forest Whitaker, whose j have already mentioned several times here (among other things, about Ghost Dog and Last King of Scotland ):

Intriguingly, the first person to realize Devouring the invasion of these aliens is the youngest boy of the family when realizes that apart from him, all children of school (already contaminated, so) are exactly the same design:

Until you realize, fast enough, that these creatures come from large eggs is extremely close to those of the film Alien (1979), except that the initial work of Don Siegel , 23 years earlier, had already proposed the same images:

So beware ... Director Abel Ferrara , well known for his many sides "sour" (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sex, short, somehow a kind of second Mozart , lol!) has however not been able to refrain from showing his respect to three previous films, to you to guess which (in chronological order):

Congratulations to all those and all those who would have guessed! Well, first of all, Apocalypse Now, of course, Francis Ford Coppola (1979), with the mythical Helicopter scene at daybreak ... Then, as also mentioned in the dialogue, of Top Gun Tony Scott (1986), brother of the famous Ridley Scott , director of the first Alien , and finally a sort of immense respect for the penultimate film of Stanley Kubrick , Full Metal Jacket (1987), it will still need me to comment one of these days is not it?
Fortunately (although this is due to alcohol or drugs), Abel Ferrara always turns in his films rather gifted, aesthetically speaking:

Good. Of course, in 1993, there was still virtually no digital special effects (or, as on Abyss of James Cameron , price of gold), and this is seen clearly at times:

Still some scenes that prove equally horrific exactly that in the first film of Don Siegel , including when the youngest child of the family is suddenly aware that his mother is no longer his mother (and I think this actress, Meg Tilly , I did not know, extremely persuavive role in this very strange):

Having shown throughout the movie starts as a woman and very expressive communicate, very brutal and sudden change of personality is extremely effective! Not to mention this (fake) scene of "ass" also quite trauma with her husband (sort of level as the famous "obsessed" Abel Ferrara can not help but put in all his movies at least once, well known in the tragic Bad Lieutenant where at this time, about one third of the public generally leave the movie theater, so this is rather hard to bear, lol!):

Just if the girl does in turn is not ready to be invaded by these very strange Aliens (in short, rather very resembles some Spaghetti , given the big gap - at the time - of digital special effects!):

And there, once again, the mother played by actress Meg Tilly appears suddenly in the same way as in the original film Don Siegel , ready to scream in a very impressive, just to warn his colleagues aliens:

Howl who, every time, will bring together all the supposed "colleagues" human eaten by aliens to fight against the very few remaining individuals (very impressive, both in the first movie in it):

which some will not hesitate to engage in one act theoretically banned by most countries (except Japan, which has always cultifié suicide, very strangely, especially the famous and ultra-painful Harakiri ) :

last little quote graphic homage to Alien (if I'm not mistaken):

However, the film does not end at all in the same way as the first of Don Siegel , whose purpose - showing trucks loaded with eggs going in secret in all major cities across the country - turned out really awesome!

Here, in summary, is a kind of absolute opposite, what ... Very few people still living "human" leave the barracks in a helicopter at the last moment, and will enjoy a rather positive way to bomb all trucks guilty of this kind of delivery:

Very surprising from Abel Ferrara, who in one way generally ends almost all his films in a very dark and very pessimistic (especially the two I have mentioned here, The King of New York and The Bad Lieutenant , real masterpieces, certainly but not many gays, lol)!

Here, here, here ... Sorry for the spoiler (which does is certainly not for 90% of people), but I could not talk about the movie otherwise! Besides, no matter: for I have seen roughly the first Alien about 300 times (and Shining fifty times), but whatever I know almost by heart the exact location of traumatic scenes, they make me really "jump" each time, what ...

So, just to make me forgive a plan of the film that amused me with respect, that even in 1993 where we see the girl already completely addicted to the famous sneakers from Converse as (too) often our days

Best proof is that I turn, despite my initial reluctance, I also ended up cracking the Christmas day, lol!

any case I hope that you'll like this movie (for me almost as impressive as the first of Don Siegel), about which I dare to hope that you can leave be a comment??


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