Saturday, August 14, 2010

Open Patella Brace Versus Closed

Bazas Gironde (Biscay)

Cossium today Bazas, was the capital of Vasates, Aquitaine tribe whose territory extended to the banks of the Dordogne. Bazas area is one of the highest concentrations of Names Basque-Aquitaine in any bone-Gascony: Cudos, Insos, Lados, Auros, Budos, Giscos ... The ancient

Cossium - now Bazas - Was The Capital Of The Vasates, year Aquitanian tribe Whose Territory extended as far as the Dordogne river. The area of Bazas Is One Of The Greatest concentrations of Basco-Aquitanian placenames ending in-os in all Gascony: Cudos, Insos, Lados, Auros, Budos, Giscos ...

  • Representative sample / Sample :

Actual Size / Full Scale

  • Anthropological Analysis Summary / Brief Anthropological analysis:

- Type 1: Build intermediate (dark to blond hair, eyes clear sometimes ...), leptomorphic, convex nose rather long and parallel to the face, close-set eyes, protruding ears, chin pointed, wide jaws
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean dinarisé

Intermediate complexion (from dark to blonde hair, light eyes frequent ...), leptomorphic, convex and long nose Rather Parallel To The face, close-set eyes, lop ears, pointy chin , wide jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

Gascon is the type par excellence, very dominant in this sample. It was illustrated by the child's most famous Bazadais: François Mauriac (whose ancestors are mostly from the country).

This Is The Main Gascon type: It Is Quite Prevailing'm his sample. Illustrated by It Was One Of The Most Famous of Infante Bazadais: François Mauriac (Mostly Whose Ancestors Originated from this area).

There is also a variant of this type much more brachymorphic and specific enough land northern Gascony.

A brachymorphic Can Be varying found as well: it is more "Specific to northern Gascon lands.

- Type 2: Complexion dark (black hair, ...), rather brachymorphic, large head, small straight nose, eyes distant sometimes "pseudo-Mongoloid" wide jaws
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

Intermediate complexion (dark hair light eyes are common yet ...), brachymorphic Rather, broad face, and little straight nose, wide-set eyes, Sometimes little "pseudo-Mongoloid" eyelids, wide jaw
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

This is essentially a type feminine. The classification here is somewhat arbitrary what one can say is that overall, all individuals in this sample are very homogeneous.

This Is Mainly a female type.
Is A Bit Arbitrary Classification: most Individuals'm his sample do show a clear homogeneity.

  • Morphotypes Final / Final morphotypes


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